Gorakhpur is a low-lying city in eastern Uttar Pradesh that has a severe solid waste disposal problem. About 300 tons of solid waste is generated every day; the Municipal Corporation collects 240 tons, but the remaining 60 tons is strewn all over the roadside. It poses a serious threat to the entire ecosystem. In Purdilpur ward of Gorakhpur, GEAG took up a pilot initiative towards decentralized and community-based solid waste management, in collaboration with M.G. Post Graduate College. This initiative aimed to set up a model of solid waste management before the local government. It also created awareness among the community and set up a community-based solid waste management model. Local people’s participation can make decentralized waste management cost-effective and avoid waste from accumulating. Converting waste into compost will help in soil fertility and organic manuring and provide employment to the disadvantaged sections of society.