
Building Livelihood Resilience in Small and Marginal Farmers to Combat Hunger in Mahoba

Duration: 2016 - onwards

Status: Ongoing
Supported by
Indo-Global Social Service Society
Mahoba District, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tag Words

Resilient Agriculture, Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA), Small and Marginal Farmers

The project aims to support the small and marginal farmers of Mahoba in drought adaptation and hunger proofing measures which ultimately results in enhanced resilience capacity against climate change impacts.

GEAG has organized trainings for model farmers and oriented and motivated them to resort to eco-friendly, LEISA, bio-input oriented agriculture. The farmers were given the training for preparing bio-compost, vermicompost, green manure, bio-pesticides, scientific crops, crop rotation, new techniques of irrigation, to make the agriculture climate resilient, least input oriented and finally more profitable.

GEAG is also providing weather-agro advisories through Village Resource Centres so that the farmers get alerts to be prepared to deal with the climate change impacts in a better way. These interventions have resulted in better management of agricultural and household activities of farmers and have also reduced their input costs. The market dependency of farmers has decreased due to locally available quality seeds, preparation of their own organic compost, green manure and bio-pesticides.

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