
Building Livelihood Resilience of Small and Marginal Farmers to Combat Hunger in Mahoba

Duration: 2017 - 2020

Status: Completed
Focus Area
Hunger, Poverty, Sustainable Agriculture
Supported by
Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS)
Tag Words

Resilient Agriculture, Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA), Small and Marginal Farmers

The project aimed to address hunger and poverty in the project area. The project is based on the concept of food sovereignty, which is the right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced using ecologically sound and sustainable methods, as well as their right to define, access, and control their own food and agriculture systems.

  • Training of 'Climate Volunteers’.
  • Training of Panchayat Action Team (PAT) members.
  • FFS meetings and sessions.
  • Disseminating climate information.
  • Strengthening of CBOs at the village level.
  • A better understanding of climate-resilient agriculture among the farmers has now led them to come forward to break the vicious cycle of monocropping and to adopt diversity in their agriculture system.
  • A healthy convergence system has evolved between the felt needs of the communities and line departments.
  • The SMS-based weather advisory on climate-related information has capacitated the farmers who used the information to gain benefits in terms of reducing input costs in their fields and maximising benefits.
  • Increased awareness among the communities about government schemes and various welfare programmes.

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