
Holistic Rural Development Program - Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh

Duration: 2024 - Onwards

Status: Ongoing
Focus Area
Natural Resource Management, Health, Water & Sanitation, Education and Skill Development
Supported by
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Tag Words

Integrated development

The main objective of the project is integrated development for improving lives and livelihoods of marginalized communities in the backward villages of the aspirational block Brahmpur in district Gorakhpur.

Key Activities
  • Strengthening primary production and promotion of climate-resilient practices for small, marginal, and women farmers.
  • Support micro-entrepreneurship and women-led enterprises to enhance rural incomes.
  • Develop flood-resilient livelihoods and community resource models.
  • Advance nutrition, health services, and social enterprise initiatives in rural communities.
  • Promote natural resource management and raise climate change awareness.
  • Improve educational infrastructure with digital learning tools, libraries, and WASH facilities in schools.
  • Strengthen community engagement through School Management Committees and enhance services in Anganwadi centers.
  • Develop and implement climate and disaster risk management packages for various stakeholders.
Anticipated Outcomes
  • Improved economic conditions for small, marginal, and women farmers through sustainable agricultural practices and micro-enterprise development.
  • Strengthened rural incomes and resilience to climate impacts and disasters.
  • Improved health, nutrition, and social services for women and children, optimizing growth and community well-being.
  • Enhanced learning outcomes and community participation in schools through better facilities and resources.
  • Increased awareness and practical measures for climate resilience and environmental conservation.
  • Strengthened community institutions and localized development goals for sustainable progress.

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