
Socio Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities through Science & Technology Inputs

Published in 2023 | Type: Book
Experiences based on interventions in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, with the support of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India

Over 60% of the population in north eastern plains of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar depend directly or indirectly on agriculture. Of those more than 84% are small and marginal farmers, with less than 1 hectare farm size. The region also faces a low Human Development Index (HDI), high reliance on weather-based livelihood systems, insufficient information and extension on resilient farming techniques and technologies, lack of post-harvest technology, low market return from perishable agroproducts, mono-cropping culture, and a lack of irrigation facilities.

​Furthermore, climate change has exacerbated the situation by increasing water scarcity, flood frequency, and intensity. It affects long-term crop yields and has had a detrimental influence on agricultural production. Although climate change impacts all farmers, it is the small and marginal farmers who are disproportionately affected due to a lack of adaptation capacity.

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