
Bihar : Climate Change Risk Assessment

Published in 2022 | Type: Report
Bihar, divided into four agro-climatic regions and 38 districts, is one of the most disaster-prone state of India, facing calamities of various kinds and varying magnitude. Over the past few decades, the state has faced differential impacts of the changing climate on its people and the state of development. Almost all the districts are prone to major climate-induced hazards like floods, droughts, cyclonic storms, and fires (Fig. 1&2). Cold and heat waves are another major threat, as are geo-tectonic hazards. During the 1934 earthquake more than 25,000 people lost their lives, while the 2015 earthquake in Nepal rocked Bihar, killing 58 and injuring 200 individuals. In 2020, thunderstorm/ lightning hazards (25 February, 13 & 14 March, 26 April, 5 May, 3 July and 15 September resulted in 280 deaths in the state.

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